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Educational Seminars and Events

2019 Educational Seminars and Events

HAVEN has been busy visiting area organizations to discuss the connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence. The feedback about our visits has been overwhelmingly positive and we are so grateful to share animal resources with attendees.

HAVEN has been invited...

HAVEN has been invited to be part of the MA legislative Special Commission on Mandated Reporting of Known or Suspected Animal Cruelty, and Abuse of Children, the Elderly, and Disabled.

Judge (ret) Martha Grace and Dr Lorna Grande have been attending these meeting at the state house in Boston. HAVEN is unique in that it is the only organization in MA that regularly trains professional of varied background on how important it is to recognize and report animal abuse and neglect and how it is related to family dynamics.

March 2019
Berkshire Community College Pittsfield, MA

Long time HAVEN partner Kelly Kemp, retired Chief Prosecutor for the Berkshire County DA's office and Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at BCC discusses the link from a criminal justice perspective in her BCC classes.

April 2019
Animal Control Association of MA (ACOAM) training W Boyleston, MA

Judge Martha Grace once again trained the incoming class of MA Animal Contol Officers about "the link". This year is important because with the passage of recent legislation ACOs are now MANDATED reporters of child, elder and disabled persons abuse. HAVEN is the only organization at this point informing the ACOs about this important responsibility and where to report. When the special commission (see above) finishes its work we hope a plan will be in place for MA trainings.

Thanks to ACOAM for regularly including HAVEN in your training programs.
More Info

May 2019
Berkshire Leadership Program N Adams, MA

HAVEN Coordinator Lorna Grande, DVM was invited to speak at the BLP training during their government session. She discussed the origins of HAVEN, cross reporting laws and other ways HAVEN has been involved in local and state government to move our issues forward.

This was a wonderful group of emerging leaders in Berkshire County and the break out session conversation was terrific!

Thanks to iBerkshires for including HAVEN.
More Info

2018 Educational Seminars and Events

3/16/18 Northern Berkshire Community Coalition meeting on domestic violence, Lorna Grande, HAVEN

4/17/18 Brien [Mental Health] Center, several Berkshire locations

4/26/17 Break-out session at annual conference on child abuse sponsored by Berkshire County KidsPlace, Pittsfield, Martha Grace and Lorna Grande

5/9/18 IPEAP [intimate partner abuse], Pittsfield

5/9/18 CE presentation on mandatory reporting of animal abuse, at the Massachusetts Veterinary Medical Association, Marlboro, MA Lorna Grande, DVM HAVEN

6/4/18 Tapestry Health, North Adams

6/26/18 Training for foster parents sponsored by Helping Hands Program of Berkshire Children and Family,
Springfield, MA, Lorna Grande and Martha Grace

6/29/18 Keenan House for Woman, Pittsfield

7/3/18 Berkshire County House of Correction, Lanesboro

9/7/18 Elizabeth Freeman Center, new staff training, county-wide
10/12/18 Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Meeting N Adams, MA
Focus on Domestic Violence

HAVEN partner Deb Parkington from the Elizabeth Freeman Center spoke about the connection between animal abuse and DV at this meeting.

Deb lead a break out session where practical information was shared with the participants. She reports that the conversation was very helpful.

Thanks Deb and NBCC!

12/18 Worcester social worker students.
HAVEN partner Honorable (ret) Martha Grace addressed a group of social work students on the connection between animal abuse/neglect and family dynamics.

2017 Educational Seminars and Events

4/2/17 Berkshire Community College, Human Services Class, Pittsfield Deb Parkington, EFC and Lorna Grande, DVM, HAVEN

4/4/17 Service Net, Pittsfield EFC

4/7/17 Mildred Elley Career Institute, Human Service Class, Pittsfield

4/28/17 Training for all staff at Berkshire Children and Families Resource Center Lorna Grande and Judge (ret) Martha Grace

7/27/17 Community Legal Aid-several Massachusetts locations

8/25/17 Tapestry Health, Pittsfield

9/1/17 Spectrum Health, Pittsfield

9/12/17 Childcare of the Berkshires, North Adams

9/15/17 WIC, Pittsfield

9/19/17 WIC/CHP, Great Barrington

9/28/17 County-wide training for Domestic Violence Volunteers and Staff

10/12/17 participated in a forum event at Berkshire Community College

10/12/17 Berkshire County House of Correction, Pittsfield

10/27/17 Animal Control Officers Association of Massachusetts, presented at statewide meeting in Marlboro, MA Dr Grande and Judge Grace

10/30/17 Experience Wellness Center, Pittsfield

11/7/17 Sugar Hill Residential Center, Dalton Lorna Grande and Joe Chague ACO

11/8/17 Berkshire Community College, Human Services class, Pittsfield

12/9/17 Church of Latter Day Saints Women's Group, Pittsfield

2016 Educational Seminars and Events

HAVEN partner Elizabeth Freeman Center focuses on educating the community about domestic violence

In many of their trainings they talk about HAVEN and the link between DV and how animals are treated in a family.

Below is a list of the trainings where HAVEN info was included!! The list grows every year!

1/31/16, 2/1/16, & 2/2/16 Presentation to 36 Pittsfield Police Officers.

3/9/16 Berkshire Community College, Presentation to 20 students at BCC (Berkshire Community College).

3/25/16 Presentation to 10 staff members at WIC (nutritional program) Pittsfield.

4/8/16 Presentation to 35 staff members of the Sherriff's Department. Lanesboro.

4/20/16 Tabled at the MCLA Wellness Fair, 100 people, North Adams.

5/20/16 Presentation to 42 Senior Citizens at the Senior Center in Adams.

6/9/16 Presentation to 10 Elizabeth Freeman Center Board members. Pittsfield.

6/18/16 Tabled at the Touch A Truck event in Adams, reaching 200 people.

8/24/16 Professional training for AHEC ( Area Health Education Center) reaching 25 people.

10/16/16 Panel discussion following a viewing of the documentary "Audrie & Daisy) reaching 14 students at MCLA (MA College of Liberal Arts)

10/19/16 Presented to 14 students at BCC (Berkshire Community College) in Pittsfield.

HAVEN on the road!

We want to thank Hon (ret.) Martha P Grace for all the work she has done sharing HAVEN info with Judges and others in MA.

On September 13, 2016, Judge Grace addressed the Massachusetts District Court judges in the Springfield region on the issues regarding the link between animal abuse and human violence, with an emphasis on domestic violence and child abuse. She explained to them the value of coalitions like HAVEN and was pleased that a number of judges had heard of HAVEN . The questions from the 50+ judges that were present were thoughtful and challenging.

On September 14, 2016, she did the same presentation to the Massachusetts District Court judges in the Plymouth, MA Region and again the questions were wide-ranging and provocative. Judge Grace was asked to present the same program in the spring to other groups of District Court judges! Great networking...

On October 25, 2016, the Hon.(ret.) Martha P. Grace presented the HAVEN video as part of her Animal law course at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. The two-hour seminar that day was about the links between animal cruelty and human violence.

On November 21, 2016, she addressed the Youth and Family Services post-doctoral fellows at the University of Massachusetts Youth Guidance Center on the issue of the connection between animal abuse and violence and also showed the HAVEN video.

January 8, 2016
Council on Aging, Adams, MA

HAVEN partners Lorna Grande, DVM and Joe Chague, ACO presented to a group of seniors who were very interested in our conversation about the connection between animal abuse and interpersonal violence. We added some information about local organizations that can help elders with pet food, veterinary care and foster care if needed. Thanks to Nicole Leighton for inviting us!

January 20, 2016
Elizabeth Freeman Center New Staff and Volunteer Training

Deb Parkington Program Director at EFC included a conversation about the link between domestic violence and animal abuse with all new EFC employees and volunteers. She starts the conversation with our HAVEN educational DVD.

March 8, 2016 Lawrence, MA and Sept 28, 2016 Springfield, MA
MA SafePlan Advocates

HAVEN is proud to have been invited to present about the connection between animal cruelty and domestic violence at a statewide training of MA Office of Victim Assistance (MOVA) SafePlan Advocates. SafePlan is a court based program that provides trained advocates to assist victims of DV, sexual assault and stalking.

In Sept we got to be a little closer to home for a change! MOVA is a statewide organization and we are used to traveling long distances to do these presentations!

Lorna Grande DVM, HAVEN Coordinator and Deb Parkington, Program Director for Elizabeth Freeman Center discussed how important it is to recognize animals as family members, sometimes victims of abuse or pawns in control of victims. HAVEN provided very practical resources for the group so they will know what questions to ask and who to contact for help.

We shared information about our SafePet program. SafePet is a foster care program that fosters the pets of people seeking help from the Elizabeth Freeman Center. SafePet is one of the longest running and most reliable programs of its kind in MA. SafePet is collaboration between EFC and the Berkshire Humane Society.

As always, we thanks MOVA for this opportunity!

For More Info - All links open in a new window
Elizabeth Freeman Center
SafePet - PDF

March 18, 2016
ACOAM Training, Boyleston, MA
Animal Control Officers Assoc of MA

HAVEN partner and ACOAM training coordinator Joe Chague and Hon (ret.)Martha Grace presented on the link between animal abuse and violence to MA animal control officers.

A new law in MA mandates that all ACOs be trained so eventually we can be assured that all MA animal control officers will have at least heard this important information.

Thanks Joe for making this happen!

April 5, 2016
Berkshire County District Attorney's Office

HAVEN was thrilled to be invited to train Assistant District Attorneys about the connection between animal abuse and interpersonal violence.

HAVEN partner Kelly Kemp is the former Chief Prosecutor for the Berkshire County DA Office. The respect and admiration her colleagues have for her was evident by the reception HAVEN received at her former office, including homemade cookies!!

Kelly reviewed the legal aspects of handling animal abuse cases and discussed laws specific to MA. She emphasized HAVEN's work collaborating with other local agencies that service families. The ADAs had great questions and totally "got it"!

Thanks to Carol Mulcahy for coordinating this training!

April 26, 2016
Holyoke Community College

HAVEN Coordinator and veterinarian Lorna Grande was once again invited to speak to the Veterinary Technician students at Holyoke Community College. This is always a terrific group of young professionals eager to learn about HAVEN and what they can do to prevent and report animal abuse. This year we were able to discuss the new law MANDATING reporting of animal abuse by veterinarians

JUNE 13, 2016
Essex County District Attorneys Office Salem, MA

HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande and HAVEN partner Hon (ret) Martha Grace were invited to present to a mixed group of professionals hosted by the Essex Cty DAs office.

HAVEN presented on the connection between animal abuse and violence and gave some background on HAVEN's history. We are always encouraging others to create grassroots coalitions in their areas!

August 19, 2016
Sugar Hill Senior Living Community Dalton, MA

HAVEN partners Lorna Grande and Joe Chague addressed an audience of elders in Dalton, MA. The attendees were residents of Sugar Hill and were very interested and engaged in the conversation. Many of the residents were animal lovers.

2015 Educational Seminars and Events
HAVEN has been busy visiting area organizations to discuss the connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence. The feedback about our visits has been overwhelmingly positive and we are so grateful to share animal resources with attendees.

Martha Grace recipient of the IMPACT Award from ACOAM

October 2015

HAVEN partner Hon (ret) Martha Grace was the recipient of the IMPACT Award from ACOAM. Animal Control Officers Association of MA. She received the honor at the ACOAM dinner in Marlboro, MA on Friday October 16, 2015. HAVEN partner Pittsfield ACO Joe Chague presented the award to Judge Grace.

Congratulations Judge Grace, well deserved!

HAVEN continues as part of initial training of all SafePlan Advocates

June 19, 2015 Plymouth, MA

HAVEN is proud to have been invited to present about the connection between animal cruelty and domestic violence at a statewide training of MA Office of Victim Assistance (MOVA) SafePlan Advocates. SafePlan is a court based program that provides trained advocates to assist victims of DV, sexual assault and stalking.

This time we got to travel to the coast, something Berkshire residents always appreciate!

Lorna Grande DVM, HAVEN Coordinator and Deb Parkington, Program Director for Elizabeth Freeman Center discussed how important it is to recognize animals as family members, sometimes victims of abuse or pawns in control of victims. HAVEN provided very practical resources for the group so they will know what questions to ask and who to contact for help.

We shared information about our SafePet program. SafePet is a foster care program that fosters the pets of people seeking help from the Elizabeth Freeman Center. SafePet is one of the longest running and most reliable programs of its kind in MA. SafePet is collaboration between EFC and the Berkshire Humane Society.

Thanks to MOVA for the opportunity!

Here are some comments by attendees:
"Informative. Did not ever think that domestic violence and animal abuse were related"


"Good source of information"
For More Info - All links open in a new window
Elizabeth Freeman Center
SafePet - PDF

HAVEN returns to Dept of Children and Families in Pittsfield

MAY 27, 2015

You know you are doing something right when DCF initiates your return visit! HAVEN partner Susan Coonrad a DCF Supervisor suggested at one of our meeting that it had been awhile since HAVEN had visited her office. With some staff turnover and some changes to animal laws we thought the timing was perfect.

HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande was joined by HAVEN partners Ret Judge Martha Grace and Social Worker June Stewart for a training of DCF social workers on the connection between animal cruelty and violence. Our specific DCF training is targeted toward DCF social workers and how to support them in identifying animal abuse and neglect as one of many indicators they use to access families.

Being a local coalition HAVEN can present the group with useful local resources such as a list of local animal control officers and MA Pet Care Resource they can use on a daily basis. We were able to discuss specific cases while maintaining confidentiality.

Berkshire County Kid's Place and Berkshire AHEC Child Abuse Prevention Conference

April 30, 2015

HAVEN was honored to be invited to present at the Berkshire County Kid's Place and Berkshire AHEC Child Abuse Prevention Conference.

Berkshire County Kid's Place has been a HAVEN partner for many years.

HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande and HAVEN partner Officer Cheryl Callahan from the Pittsfield Police Department addressed a group of professionals working with children from all over the state.

The feedback was very positive. Most people working with children understand the connection between children and animals but are often not aware of the fact that this bond can be exploited to make children even more vulnerable to abuse. Witnessing animal abuse is being discussed as an ACE, Adverse Childhood Experience that can possibly have a negative impact on a child's life. More studies need to be done. Bringing awareness to people who work with children daily is the mission of HAVEN.

Officer Callahan speaks to a packed room.

Animal Abuse, Child Violence and Domestic Violence: The Connection

Monday, April 20, 2015 at Norwalk Community College

Dr Anne Hermans invited HAVEN partner Former Berkshire County Chief Prosecutor Kelly Kemp and HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande to NCC to address a college wide audience on the connection between animal abuse and interpersonal violence. Dr Hermans, a veterinarian is the Program Coodinator of the Veterinary Technician program and understands how animals are part of the family. She wanted to share this information with her colleagues and students at the college from different disciplines.

We thank the Norwalk Community College Foundation and the Center for Teaching and Learning for making this visit possible.

Pittsfield High School

April 13, 2015

HAVEN partner Berkshire Humane Society offers after school programs to students at PHS. HAVEN was excited to be invited to speak to this group of enthusiastic high schoolers. Students shared stories and we were able to provide them with resources in the community they may want to reach out to if they ever come across an issue with animals that concerns them.

When we talked abut "red flags" to watch for and gave an example on student said "that's a siren, not a red flag"!! Love teenagers and so appreciate the opportunity to engage with them.

Thanks to Lizzie Brown for the invitation!

Holyoke Community College

April 7, 2015

HAVEN Coordinator and veterinarian Lorna Grande was once again invited to speak to the Veterinary Technician students at Holyoke Community College. This is always a terrific group of young professionals eager to learn about HAVEN and what they can do to prevent and report animal abuse. This year we were able to discuss the new law MANDATING reporting of animal abuse by veterinarians

Governor's Task Force

February 26, 2015

HAVEN representatives Dr Lorna Grande and Judge Martha Grace were to invited to speak to the Governor's Task Force that was recently created to review existing animal related legislation. One of issues this Task Force has been assigned is to review and recommend ways to raise awareness in MA about the connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence.

HAVEN is the only organization working throughout the state doing this work at this time. The Norfolk County DA office also does wonderful law enforcement trainings in their community and they are represented on the Task Force by ADA Tracey Cusick. HAVEN is a private non profit and most of this work is done on a volunteer basis.

We were thrilled to be invited back to attend future meeting.

2014 Educational Seminars and Events

HAVEN is Once Again Included in the EFC Hotline Training

October 20, 2014

HAVEN partners Pittsfield Police Office Cheryl Callahan and Pittsfield Animal Control Officer Joe Chague were presenters in the 40 hour Hotline training of Elizabeth Freeman Center's new staff and volunteers. They gave an overview of the connection between animal abuse and domestic violence.

Twelve new volunteers attended this several week long training. HAVEN's role in the training is to educate the volunteers to ask questions about animals in the home and inform them about the SafePet program. SafePet is a collaboration between the Berkshire Humane Society and the Elizabeth Freeman Center where we foster the pets of people leaving domestic violence situations. Many studies show that victims often delay leaving because they fear for the safety of their pets. There was a discussion about the new MA law that allows animals to be protected in restraining orders.

Thanks to Cheryl and Joe for representing HAVEN!

For more information about SafePet please view this PDF here on our site.

HAVEN is now part of initial training of all SafePlan Advocates

June 5, 2014

HAVEN is proud to have been invited to present about the connection between animal cruelty and domestic violence at a statewide training of MA Office of Victim Assistance (MOVA) SafePlan Advocates. SafePlan is a court based program that provides trained advocates to assist victims of DV, sexual assault and stalking.

Lorna Grande DVM, HAVEN Coordinator and Deb Parkington, Program Director for Elizabeth Freeman Center discussed how important it is to recognize animals as family members, sometimes victims of abuse or pawns in control of victims. HAVEN provided very practical resources for the group so they will know what questions to ask and who to contact for help.

We shared information about our SafePet program. SafePet is a foster care program that fosters the pets of people seeking help from the Elizabeth Freeman Center. SafePet is one of the longest running and most reliable programs of its kind in MA. SafePet is a collaboration between EFC and the Berkshire Humane Society.

Thanks to MOVA for the opportunity!

More Info - All links open in a new window
Elizabeth Freeman Center
SafePet - PDF

Holyoke Department of Children and Families

June 4, 2014

HAVEN partners Ret Judge Martha Grace, Social Worker June Stewart and Lorna Grande were invited to present a training to Holyoke DCF social workers on the connection between animal cruelty and violence. This training is targeted toward DCF social workers and how to support them in identifying animal abuse and neglect as one of many indicators they use to access families.

Being a local coalition HAVEN presented the group with useful local resources they can use on a daily basis. Many of the social workers indicated they have seen this connection. Check out some of the comments of DCF social works about HAVEN's training.

Berkshire Citizens for Peace and Justice

April 17, 2014

HAVEN partner June Stewart is an active member of BCP+J. June and HAVEN Coordinator Lorna Grande facilitated a workshop on the connection between animal cruelty and violence. HAVEN trainings are generally targeted toward particular professional groups such as law enforcement, social workers, mental health workers so we welcomed the opportunity to speak to the general public. The BCP+J audience was especially attentive and a lively discussion generated some great ideas! Thanks to Don Lathrop of BCP+J for the invitation

Check out BCP+J member and Berkshire Community College instructor Brian Trautman's Letter to the Editor published in the Berkshire Eagle.

Holyoke Community College

April 1, 2014

Once again Dr Grande was invited to speak to a class of Veterinary Technician students at Holyoke Community College. This is a great audience because many of these students already work in animal hospitals and animal shelter environments and have come across animal abuse cases. The varied responses to these cases are what we often discuss. Do we report animal abuse or educate? What is the appropriate protocol, what about confidentiality, the practice owner, danger to the staff, etc.

All important factors to consider when deciding how to handle a case of possible animal abuse/neglect.

Thank to Dr Walter Jaworski for the invitation

Springfield Department of Children and Families

March 25, 2014

HAVEN is determined to present to as many DCF offices as we can! Springfield is number FOUR and Holyoke is scheduled for early June!

HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande was joined by HAVEN partners Ret Judge Martha Grace and Social Worker June Stewart for a training of Springfield DCF social workers on the connection between animal cruelty and violence. This training is targeted toward DCF social workers and how to support them in identifying animal abuse and neglect as one of many indicators they use to access families.

Being a local coalition HAVEN can present the group with useful local resources they can use on a daily basis. Many of the social workers indicated they have seen this connection and were happy to have more information to empower them to act, not only to help the children in the home but the animals as well. Check out some of the comments of DCF social works about HAVEN's training.

Clinical and Support Options, Pittsfield

March 7, 2014

CSO's mission is to provide responsive and effective interventions and services to support individual adults, children and families in their quest for stability, growth and an enhanced quality of life www.csoinc.org

Dr Grande was joined in this training by HAVEN partner Ret Judge Martha Grace. HAVEN's goal is to not only raise awareness with this audience about the animal cruelty/neglect link to family issues but to incorporate support for properly caring for pets as part of healing in a family. MA offers important low cost services for pet care and educating human service professionals on what is available is one of HAVEN's goals.

Thanks to HAVEN partner Christina Filkins for reaching out to her supervisors and prompting this invitation!

Franklin County Home Care Corporation

January 9, 2014

Franklin County Home Care Corporation (FCHCC), an Area Agency on Aging (AAA), Turners Falls

FCHCC is a private, non-profit corporation that develops, provides and coordinates a range of services to support independent living. www.fchcc.org

In addition to discussing the connection between animal abuse and violence HAVEN partner Mary Koncel, Humane Educator for Berkshire Humane Society and SafePet contact and Lorna Grande, HAVEN Coordinator shared the history of the SafePet foster care program and protocol with staff. Elder Protective Services have on occasion needed to place animals in foster care. HAVEN appreciated the opportunity to speak to this very engaged group of human service workers.

Thanks to HAVEN partner Susan Bushika of EPS for making this happen!

2013 Educational Seminars and Events

HAVEN Hits the Road

HAVEN partner Hon. (ret) Martha P Grace has been busy spreading the word about HAVEN and the connection between animal abuse and interpersonal violence in eastern MA. HAVEN is based in Berkshire County (western MA) but we are often invited to speak in other parts of the state. As a resident of Worcester Judge Grace is well known in the area for her years of service and she brings a wealth of experience to HAVEN's work.

This is a summary of the programs she has presented on behalf of HAVEN this fall.

August 21, 2013
Senior Partners for Justice in Boston

Senior Partners for Justice is a pro bono partnership with the Volunteer Lawyer Project of the Boston Bar Association. HAVEN was discussed as a model for how to set up a coalition in other communities.

September 10, 2013
Massachusetts Bar Association

A panel of speakers at a program on "Pets in Protective Orders" organized by MSPCA Director of Advocacy, Kara Holmquist, at the Animal Law section of the Mass Bar Association.

HAVEN and Atty. Holmquist joined a number of other people who testified last year before the Massachusetts Judiciary Committee for what was the successful passage of a comprehensive animal control bill that included giving judges the authority to add pets to domestic restraining orders.

Other panelists included Senator Katherine Clark, the current co-chair of the Massachusetts Judiciary Committee, Faith Szczurko, SAFEPLAN advocate, Attorney Dara Goodman, Wilmer Hale, Deni Goldman, Marshfield Animal Control Officer, Sue Webb, Wellesley Animal Control Officer.

September 11, 2013
CASA training

Judge Grace discussed the association between animal cruelty and violence to children and by children. CASA is a national organization dedicated to helping abused and neglected children in the court system by providing court-appointed special advocates to help the children into a safe and healthy environment in permanent homes.

November 13, 2013
Boston Juvenile Court Clinic

Massachusetts Juvenile Court Clinics are situated in every MA county and serve court-involved youth throughout the Commonwealth.

December 2, 2013
University of Massachusetts Medical School Youth Guidance Center

UMass Medical School Youth Guidance Center comprised of pre- and post-doctoral psychology interns, social work trainees. This will be the second year that Judge Grace has spoken to a similar group at the Youth Guidance Center and the audience found the information helpful in their practices.

HAVEN visits the staff of Berkshire County Kids' Place

November 18, 2013

HAVEN Coordinator, veterinarian Lorna Grande and long time HAVEN partner social worker Joyce Tirrell were guest speakers at the staff meeting of the Berkshire County Kids' Place. Berkshire County Kids' Place and Violence Prevention Center, Inc. provides an interdisciplinary, cooperative team approach to address the needs of children subjected to violence as victims or as witnesses and to their non-offending family members. kidsplaceonline.org

Kids' Place staff have been active in HAVEN since the very beginning and continuing to bring the message of local resources for animal related violence and updating the entire staff about new laws is an important aspect of HAVEN's work.

HAVEN Invited to Speak at Worcester Department of Children and Families

October 30, 2013

Once again, HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande was joined by HAVEN partners Ret Judge Martha Grace and Social Worker June Stewart for a training of Worcester DCF social workers on the connection between animal cruelty and violence. HAVEN has had the opportunity in past years to introduce DCF to this topic but this conversation was more targeted toward DCF social workers and how to support them in identifying animal abuse and neglect as one of many indicators they use to access families.

Being a local coalition HAVEN can present the group with useful local resources they can use on a daily basis. Many of the social workers indicated they have seen this connection and were happy to have more information to empower them to act, not only to help the children in the home but the animals as well. Check out some of the comments of DCF social works about HAVEN's training.

Judge Martha Grace discusses laws in MA that pertain to DCF staff and contractors.

Martha Grace and June

HAVEN Partner Presents at Norfolk County DA Animal Cruelty Training

June 27, 2013

HAVEN partner Retired Judge Martha P Grace was invited to speak at Animal Cruelty Training Conference sponsored by the Norfolk County District Attorney's Office at the Endicott Estate in Dedham, Massachusetts.

In attendance were animal control officers from around the state, police officers, veterinarians, assistant district attorneys from several counties. Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey made some opening remarks and reiterated the commitment of his office to taking animal cruelty prosecutions seriously.

In addition to Judge Grace's remarks about the associations between animal abuse and human violence, there were presentations from veterinarian Martha Smith-Blackmore about recognizing animal abuse, from Norfolk County victim-witness advocate Melissa Coughlin about restraining orders, from Essex County Assistant District Attorney Paul Wagoner who is working on the latest case now on appeal in the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court about whether an emergency warrantless search exemption applies to animals. Police and animal control officers will be watching this case carefully.

Additional speakers included Norfolk Detective Nate Fletcher, Norfolk Animal Control Officer Hilary Cohen and Tracey Cusick, Norfolk County Assistant District Attorney, who spoke about prosecuting animal cruelty cases and who, not incidentally, organized this excellent conference. There was a handout of a very well-done Norfolk County District Attorney's Animal Cruelty Handbook which is also available electronically.

About 75 people attended the daylong conference and it was significant in that yet another District Attorney's office has demonstrated its interest and commitment to this work.

HAVEN Speaks to SafePlan Advocates

May 8, 2013

HAVEN is proud to have been invited to present about the connection between animal cruelty and domestic violence at a statewide training of MA Office of Victim Assistance (MOVA) SafePlan Advocates. SafePlan is a court based program that provides trained advocates to assist victims of DV, sexual assault and stalking.

HAVEN partners Francine Kelleher from SafePet, Lorna Grande DVM, HAVEN Coordinator, Deb Parkington from Elizabeth Freeman Center and Kara Holmquist from MSPCA discussed how important it is to recognize animals as family members, sometimes victims of abuse or pawns in control of victims. HAVEN provided very practical resources for the group so they will know what questions to ask and who to contact for help.

We shared information about our SafePet program. SafePet is a foster care program that fosters the pets of people seeking help from the Elizabeth Freeman Center. SafePet is one of the longest running and most reliable programs of its kind in MA. SafePet is a collaboration between EFC and the Berkshire Humane Society.

Thanks to MOVA for the opportunity! We look forward to working with them in the future.

More Info - All link open in a new window
Elizabeth Freeman Center

Francine Kelleher discusses SafePet.

Deb Parkington emphasized the part pets sometime play in DV.

HAVEN Regularly Included in Training EFC Hotline Volunteers

On Tuesday, March 12th HAVEN partners Pittsfield Police Office Cheryl Belknap and Pittsfield Animal Control Officer Joe Chague were part of the 40 hour Hotline training of Elizabeth Freeman Center’s new staff and volunteers. They gave an overview of the correlation between animal abuse and Domestic Violence. Also present was Sargent Shawn Briggs of the Adams Police Dept.

Twelve new volunteers attended this several week long training. HAVEN's role in the training is to educate the volunteers to ask questions about animals in the home and inform them about the SafePet program. SafePet is a collaboration between the Berkshire Humane Society and the Elizabeth Freeman Center where we foster the pets of people leaving domestic violence situations. Many studies show that victims often delay leaving because they fear for the safety of their pets. The information generated many questions and there was a discussion about the new MA law that allows animals to be protected in restraining orders.

Thanks to Cheryl and Joe for representing HAVEN at such an important event.

For more information about SafePet please view this PDF here on our site.

HAVEN Speaks at "Reducing Violence in Berkshire County" Forum

February 28, 2013

"...Reducing Violence in Berkshire County, addressed myriad topics relating to violence -- from animal abuse, to bullying in the school hallways and the court process -- and later led to small-group discussions at Berkshire Community College...

...Representatives came from the Pittsfield Police Department, the Brien Center, Human/Animal Violence Education Network, the Elizabeth Freeman Center, Alternatives to Violence Project, Help Increase the Peace Population and the Berkshire District Attorney's Office..."

Full story at BerkshireEagle.com.

February 14, 2013

Was Produced and Sponsored by: The Elizabeth Freeman Center, WAM Theatre, HAVEN and more

Our ONE BILLION RISING party was a big success!

For photos and details check out this iBerkshires article.

HAVEN Visits Greenfield Department of Children and Families

February 12, 2013

HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande was joined by HAVEN partners Ret Judge Martha Grace and Social Worker June Stewart for a training of Greenfield DCF social workers on the connection between animal cruelty and violence. HAVEN has had the opportunity in past years to introduce DCF to this topic but this conversation was more targeted toward DCF social workers and how to support them in identifying animal abuse and neglect as one of many indicators they use to access families.

Being a local coalition HAVEN can present the group with useful local resources they can use on a daily basis. Many of the social workers indicated they have seen this connection and were happy to have more information to empower them to act, not only to help the children in the home but the animals as well.

We look forward to visiting other DCF offices in MA.

2012 Educational Seminars and Events

HAVEN partners with HSVMA for online education program. What to Expect if You Report Suspected Animal Abuse or Neglect: Demystifying the Legal Process

HAVEN Coordinator Lorna Grande and Humane Society of the United States' Director of Animal Cruelty Prosecutions attorney Sherry Ramsey teamed up to present a continuing education webinar for veterinarians and veterinary technicians.

This webinar is RACE approved for 1.5 ce credits and those credits are available for viewing the archived program here.

Thanks Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association and Humane Society University for inviting us!

HAVEN talks to Berkshire County DART

On Monday Nov 19th HAVEN partners Sargent Roy Sutton (MSPCA) and Lisa Betkoski (Animal Life Publications) spoke to a meeting of the Berkshire County DART chapter. This Disaster Animal Response Team is critical to our community and HAVEN was honored to be invited to speak to the group about our work. Thanks to Roy and Lisa for attending!

More info about DART

HAVEN returns to Dept of Children and Families in Pittsfield

May 30, 2012

HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande was joined by HAVEN partners Ret Judge Martha Grace and Social Worker June Stewart for a training of DCF social workers on the connection between animal cruelty and violence. HAVEN has had the opportunity in past years to introduce DCF to this topic but this conversation was more targeted toward DCF social workers and how to support them in identifying animal abuse and neglect as one of many indicators they use to access families.

Being a local coalition HAVEN can present the group with useful local resources they can use on a daily basis. Many of the social workers indicated they have seen this connection and were happy to have more information to empower them to act, not only to help the children in the home but the animals as well.

We look forward to ongoing dialogue with DCF staff.

Ret Judge Martha Grace speaking to DCF staff.

June Stewart speaking and DCF Regional Director Laurie Sullivan on the left.

HAVEN presents Ministry of the Month

May 2012

Early in May, HAVEN partner and grant writer, Chris Nye spoke to members of the Christ Episcopal and Trinity Lutheran Church in Sheffield, MA. Chris is the author of The Old Shepherd's Tale, a children's story told from the creatures' perspective on the night of Jesus' birth. Chris believes kindness to animals is a Biblical teaching and shared this philosophy with members of this church in Sheffield.

Massachusetts Probate and Family Court Judges Training

April 27, 2012

Thanks to the support of a Red Acre Foundation grant, a training session on the links between animal abuse and interpersonal violence was presented to the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court at their annual conference on Friday, April 27, 2012 at the Worcester County Courthouse in Worcester, Massachusetts.

More than 110 people, including all the Probate and Family Court Judges attended this presentation by HAVEN partner Retired Juvenile Court Judge Martha P. Grace. Because domestic violence cases are heard primarily in the Probate and Family Court, this topic was well received and an excellent discussion followed the presentation. Some of the comments were similar to what was heard at the Juvenile Court Judges training last year, i.e. "we did not know about this", "we would like to have some follow-up information", "we will certainly be more aware of these issues now".

In fact, a Berkshire County Probate and Family Court judge has asked HAVEN to provide some additional training to his court staff, following the presentation he saw in April. That training is scheduled for June 19th.

MVMA Awards Dinner, Newton, MA

March 31, 2012

HAVEN partners, Ret, Chief Justice Martha Grace, Coordinator Lorna Grande, Pittsfield Police Office Jeff Kemp and Pittsfield ACO, Joe Chague all attended the MA Veterinary Medical Association's Awards Dinner where Assistant District Attorney Kelly Kemp received the Merit Award for her service for animals.

Dr Grande introduced ADA Kemp to an audience of aprox 150 veterinarians and friends. A good time was had by all and HAVEN's message was carried to eastern MA!

Congratulation to Kelly and thanks to the Berkshire County District Attorney's Office for taking animal cruelty seriously.

Franklin County Link Coalition Meeting

March 29, 2012

HAVEN Coordinator Lorna Grande and HAVEN partner Ret Chief Justice Martha Grace were invited guests at the launch meeting of the Franklin County Link Coalition meeting in Greenfield, MA. This coalition is using HAVEN as a model and asked us to speak about how we started and what we think has made HAVEN a successful, sustainable coalition. The new group is being organized by mental health worker Amy Olson. Amy has years of experience and lots of energy and contacts. We have high hopes for this new MA Coalition and look forward to working together for many years to come.

HAVEN Partner Guest on Beacon Hill Chat

February 2012

HAVEN partner Ret. Chief Justice Martha Grace was a guest on Beacon Hill Chat a Worcester Community Cable Access TV program. Beacon Hill Chat is hosted by Senator Harriette Chandler who was interested in learning more about the connection between animal cruelty and violence. Judge Grace discussed her work introducing this information to Massachusetts judges and supporting a bill that would include animals in restraining orders.

2011 Educational Seminars and Events

HAVEN Learns More About Forensics

October 23, 2011

HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande and Judge Martha Grace attended the MA Veterinary Medical Association Conference on Veterinary Forensics. It was a day long seminar presented by Dr Melinda Merck a well known veterinary forensics expert. The topic, although difficult at times, is a critical piece in the effort to take animal cruelty cases seriously.

HAVEN presentation at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine

October 14, 2011

HAVEN Coordinator Lorna Grande returned to her alma mater to have a discussion with first year veterinary students about the connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence. Sensitizing veterinarians to this connection is an important part of HAVEN's work. Introducing the topic early in veterinary education gives the students a chance to watch for this connection as they proceed through their clinical education. Also in this class are students in the Masters in Animals in Public Policy program.

Berkshire County Police Chiefs Meeting

June 13th 2011

HAVEN coalition partners, ACO Joe Chague, ADA Kelly Kemp and HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande were invited to have a conversation with the Police Chiefs of Berkshire County. After showing the HAVEN educational DVD HAVEN opened the floor to a conversation with the Chiefs and other law enforcement personnel in attendance. They shared stories of cases they have seen and for some, it was the first time they had considered the connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence.

Many requested copies of the DVD to show to their departments, we were ready with several to distribute! THANKS to the Pittsfield Police Dept for this opportunity.

HAVEN Represented at Judicial Institute Conference

May 2011

HAVEN was discussed in a recent professional training conference for Juvenile Judges during a presentation by Hon, Martha P. Grace. Judge Grace worked with HAVEN for her externship to earn her Masters Degree in Animals in Public Policy from Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. Information about HAVEN was included in the teaching materials provided to all of the judges.

Other courts have expressed an interest in learning more about the connection between animal abuse and interpersonal violence and we look forward to an ongoing process of introducing judges in MA to this topic.

HAVEN Hosts Webinar with University of PA via SKYPE

April 2011

HAVEN Coordinator, veterinarian Lorna Grande spoke to 1st and 2nd year veterinary students at the University of PA about the veterinarian's role in animal cruelty cases. This presentation was via SKYPE, a first for HAVEN. The conversation was terrific and the faculty and students there are interested in implementing procedures for when they encounter cases of suspected animal cruelty.

Although we initially thought using SKYPE would be awkward, it worked out really well. It is a great way to efficiently and economically get the word out. HAVEN is an all volunteer organization surviving on small grants from a few supportive patrons

Haven welcomes student extern from Tufts Center for Animals in Public Policy Master's program

January 2011

Each year HAVEN Coordinator, veterinarian Lorna Grande has an opportunity to speak to first year Veterinary and Masters in Public Policy students at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine (See October 13, 2010)

Student response to these discussions has been very positive. When the Masters program required students to do tutorials with a mentor, Dr Grande worked with some of these students as they researched the connection between animal cruelty and violence.

This year's visit to Tufts yielded an amazing opportunity for HAVEN!
One of the Masters students requested that her required one-month externship be with HAVEN. The masters students are to work with an organization and learn the inside mechanics, politics, etc of an organization that does work they are interested in.

Receiving the offer of free labor from a hard working, motivated student is always good news, however this news was different because the student is a retired juvenile court judge!! The Honorable Chief Justice (ret) Martha Grace has been working with HAVEN for the month of January. Her expertise, compassion for children, families and animals is unique. As Chief Justice in MA for 12 years she has contacts with many folks in family services and law enforcement in the state.

When she first approached HAVEN with the idea of the externship, Dr Grande warned her that HAVEN would try to take advantage of her expertise and contacts to move their educational agenda forward! Judge Grace has been gracious and generous in promoting the idea of educating social workers and judges about the animal cruelty/violence connection. We look forward to a long-term relationship!


Appearance on the Middlesex County District Attorney Gerry Leone's cable television show

December 22, 2010

HAVEN Coordinator Lorna Grande was a panelist discussing the intersection between domestic violence and animal abuse. Also on the panel discussing this topic with DA Leone were Kara Holmquist of the MSPCA and Shawn McMaster of the DA's office.

The program will be aired in April 2011.

Berkshire Community College Presentation

November 9, 2010

HAVEN partner Kelly Kemp, (Chief Prosecutor: Berkshire County District Attorney's Office) included animal abuse in her lecture about child abuse, elder abuse and domestic violence in her Criminal Law class at Berkshire Community College. The HAVEN educational DVD has been a powerful aid in these types of presentations.

HAVEN presentation at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine

October 13, 2010

HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande returned to her alma mater to have a discussion with first year veterinary students about the connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence. Sensitizing veterinarians to this connection is an important part of HAVEN's work. Introducing the topic early in veterinary education gives the students a chance to watch for this connection as they proceed through their clinical education. Also in this class are students in the Masters in Animals in Public Policy program.

Guidance Center Social Worker Training

September 20, 2010

HAVEN coordinator Dr Lorna Grande and HAVEN social worker June Stewart presented to social workers at The Guidance Center in Somerville, MA. In addition to introducing the idea of the connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence, workers were given concrete tools to use when interacting with families. Best practice for family social workers includes evaluating the state of the family pets.

The Intersection of Domestic Violence, Elder Abuse and Animal Abuse

June 17, 2010      Event PDF

Training Session Presented by The Office of Middlesex District Attorney Gerry Leone
and Newton Wellesley Hospital

   - Kara Holmquist, Director of Advocacy, MSPCA
   - Dr. Lorna Grande, Human/Animal Violence Education Network (HAVEN)
   - Kelly Mulcahy Kemp, Assistant District Attorney, Berkshire County (HAVEN)
   - Officer Jeff Kemp, Pittsfield Police Department (HAVEN)
   - Marian Ryan, General Counsel, Middlesex District Attorney’s Office

June 17, 2010 ~ 1-3 p.m.
Newton Wellesley Hospital
2014 Washington Street, Newton MA

EFC Hotline Training

May 18, 2010

HAVEN partner, Animal Control Officer Terry Moran (Pittsfield and Adams) was part of a county wide training of Elizabeth Freeman Center Hotline volunteers.

All EFC trainings include information about the animal cruelty violence connection in general. Also important to Berkshire county, information about HAVEN resources are included and the SafePet program. SafePet is a collaboration between EFC and the Berkshire Humane Society to foster pets of people seeking shelter from domestic violence situations. Click here for more info about SafePet.

Domestic Violence Roundtable Program

April 8, 2010

Domestic Violence Roundtable Program - Malden/Sommerville Series
Correlating Abuses: The Dynamics of Animal Abuse in Domestic Violence Cases

   - Dr. Lorna Grande, Human/Animal Violence Education Network (HAVEN)
   - Kelly Mulcahy Kemp, Assistant District Attorney, Berkshire County
   - Officer Jeff Kemp, Pittsfield Police Department

Oak Grove Community Building, 6 Grove Street, Malden, MA

HAVEN Members Visit MA State House

January 21, 2010

June Stewart, Deb Parkington and Leslie Luppino traveled to the Massachusetts State House to promote the Berkshire County Human/Animal Violence Education Network.

HAVEN presents to Rotary Club of Pittsfield

January 14, 2010

HAVEN Coordinator Lorna Grande was the guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Pittsfield luncheon meeting.

Approximately 60 local business people learned about HAVEN and the work we do in Berkshire county and statewide. HAVEN partner and Rotarian John Perrault, Executive Director of Berkshire Humane Society extended the invitation. Thanks to all for this great opportunity!!! 

2009 Educational Seminars and Events

HAVEN presents to Domestic Violence Roundtable

May 12, 2009

On Tuesday May 12, Lorna Grande, HAVEN Coordinator had the opportunity to speak at the regular meeting of the Sudbury, Wayland, Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable. This is a longstanding, active roundtable lead by people very interested in the animal cruelty piece of DV. This multidisciplinary group includes members very interested in creating a HAVEN type "sister" organization in eastern MA.

Domestic Violence Roudtable meeting - WickedLocal.com

HAVEN presents to the ACOAM Academy

April 4, 2009

HAVEN partners Joe Chague, Pittsfield Animal Control and Dr Lorna Grande, HAVEN Coordinator lead a discussion about HAVEN and the link between animal cruelty and violence. ACOAM: Animal Control Officers Association of Massachusetts is holding their Spring 2009 training in the Berkshires for the first time!!  Joe Chague was very instrumental in convincing ACOAM that there are folks in western MA who would welcome the opportunity to be properly trained animal control officers. Officer Tom Flanagan of the Animal Rescue League of Boston used the new HAVEN educational video as part of his presentation as well.

Dr Grande also presented on Animal First Aid.

We welcome ACOAM to the Berkshires. For more info about animal control officer training go to acoam.com

Middlesex County District Attorney's Domestic Violence Roundtable Presentation 

January 15, 2009

HAVEN began 2009 continuing to spread the word about the connection between animal cruelty and violence. HAVEN Coordinator, Lorna Grande, DVM spoke to The Domestic Violence Roundtable in Acton, MA. Acton is a bit out of our usual western MA location but the Roundtable coordinator heard about HAVEN and extended the invitation. It was a diverse group and many of the participants were hearing about this connection for the first time. We intend to continue our relationship with this group and have already received an invitation to speak to another DV Task Force in that part of the state.

2008 Educational Seminars and Events

HAVEN presents to Women in Science class 

August 12, 2008

HAVEN Coordinator Dr Lorna Grande lead a discussion at Mt Everett School in Sheffield, MA. The class was part of the national Women in Science program. Many of the high school students were interested in working with animals. Dr Grande discussed the connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence and the role HAVEN plays in Berkshire County. The students asked important questions about "accepted" animal cruelty in our society. Differences in anti cruelty statutes pertaining to companion animals and farm animals were discussed.   

Historic 'Town Meeting' About the Link Between Animal Abuse and Societal Violence

June 8-9, 2008

HAVEN coalition social workers, June Stewart (Berkshire Children and Families) and Valerie Dickinson (DSS) along with HAVEN Coordinator Lorna Grande (veterinarian) attended  Strategizing the Link: A National Town Meeting on Advancing Public Policy and Community Coalitions. This meeting brought together many of the countries leaders in the field of the connection between animal cruelty and violence.

HAVEN was pleased to have been invited to attend the Expert Summit the day after the conference in recognition of the coalition we have in Berkshire County.

June, Val and Lorna came away even more proud of the work we do at HAVEN.  Our work really is leading edge, very few coalitions are functioning in this country and few have as many community professionals involved. For more information about this conference please visit AmericanHumane.org

Berkshire County Animal Control Officers Presentation

May 20, 2008

HAVEN partners Lorna Grande, HAVEN Coordinator
June Stewart, Berkshire Center social worker
Joe Chague and Terry Moran, Pittsfield Animal Control 
Addressed a group of Berkshire County Animal Control Officers at the Pittsfield Police Dept.

HAVEN's primary mission is to raise awareness of the connection between animal cruelty and violence. We continue to reach out to community professionals so they will know what to look for and who to contact if they encounter a case of animal abuse that appears to involve interpersonal violence as well.

Also on the agenda at this meeting were Captain in Charge, Michael Winn, Pittsfield Police Dept and  MA Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife. 

Northern Berkshire Domestic Violence Task Force Presentation

April 29, 2008

Presentation to the Northern Berkshire Domestic Violence Task Force at the North Adams District Court. This task force is a multidisciplinary group of professionals in northern Berkshire county addressing domestic violence.

HAVEN Presenters:
Kelly Kemp, Berkshire County DA Office, a member of the task force and HAVEN partner.
Sgt Roy Sutton, MSPCA Law Enforcement
Terry Moran, Pittsfield/Adams Animal Control Officer

March Haven Meeting

Here are a few photo's from our March meeting at the Berkshire Humane Society. Yes, filming of our educational video is underway!      - Click pictures to enlarge

Educational Video Being Produced

HAVEN has partnered with Kiin Media to produce an educational video about the connection between animal cruelty and violence. The video is being funded by The Shirley Shattuck Windsor Charitable Trust and features HAVEN participants.

Training for Elizabeth Freeman Center Staff

January 3, 2008

HAVEN coalition particpants:
Lorna Grande, DVM, HAVEN Coordinator
Kelley Kemp, Berkshire County District Attorney's Office
Karen Karlberg, Berkshire Humane Society, SafePet Coordinator
Sgt. Roy Sutton, MSPCA Law Enforcement
Joe Chague, Pittsfield Animal Control participated in a discussion about the ongoing partnership between The Elizabeth Freeman Center and HAVEN.

Details about the SafePet foster program and many other topics were discussed.


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